Profile Form: Faculty Profile Update Home Marketing & Communications Office Profile Form: Faculty Profile Update Marketing & Communications Office Request Our ServicesProject TimelinesCreate Your Own MaterialsResources and PoliciesMeet Our StaffAwards & RecognitionBe Carthage Famous Would you like to make edits to your online faculty profile? Please submit any changes below. Your request will be added to our queue. Please note: It may take up to 3 weeks for your updates to be made, though we can often make updates faster than that. We will let you know when your update is complete. New to Carthage? If you are a new faculty member and need to create a profile, please submit this form. All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required. first_name required text field First Name* last_name required text field Last Name* your_pronouns text field Your Pronouns For example: she, her, hers, herself / zie, zir, zirs, zirself / they, them, their, theirs, themself email_address required e-mail address field Email Address* title text field Title Please note: Your title must match what’s in the online directory at That information is provided by the Provost’s Office. If you have a new title that needs to be changed in both places, please add it here and we will contact the Provost to confirm. Thank you! office text field Office If there are no changes, please leave blank. phone_number text field Phone Number If there are no changes, please leave blank. biography textarea field Biography If there are no changes, please leave blank. education textarea field Education If there are no changes, please leave blank. courses textarea field Courses If there are no changes, please leave blank. research_interests textarea field Research Interests If there are no changes, please leave blank. grants_and_awards textarea field Grants and Awards If there are no changes, please leave blank. publications textarea field Publications If there are no changes, please leave blank. presentations_and_performances textarea field Presentations and Performances If there are no changes please leave blank short_biography_for_main_facul textarea field Short biography for main faculty list Your short biography appears on your department’s main faculty page. If there are no changes, please leave blank. why_your_discipline_why_do_you textarea field Why your discipline? Why do you teach? Why do you love teaching? Share in your own words why you love your discipline and/or why you teach. This can be a few sentences, or it can be a few paragraphs. Check out Prof. Nagel’s online profile for an example: what_high_school_did_you_atten text field What high school did you attend? Please include city and state. Our Admissions team may want to connect you with prospective students from your high school. Link (required)